Recognised by the yoga community and music world alike, GéNIA was invited as a guest on the Yoga Alliance Professionals podcast. The YAP, established in 2006, is now one of the most recognised yoga organisations in the world. In the thirty-minute episode, GéNIA speaks on an enormous range of topics, from her childhood practice routine in the former Soviet Union to the backbones of her Piano-Yoga® method.
GéNIA, who began her journey in piano at the age of four, adhered to a strict and rigorous training routine. By the age of six, she was already logging several hours a day at the instrument. GéNIA admits that while this system caused her to feel pressure from her teachers, it was simply the way of life for budding musicians and artists in the former Soviet Union. Despite the challenging training, she relates how fundamental it was to begin performing as a child. GéNIA loved sharing music with others from a young age and continues to have a very active performing career.
At the age of 21, GéNIA received a scholarship to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Practising between six and eight hours a day was causing her intense back pain. Although she was being treated weekly by a doctor on Harley Street, which alleviated much of her discomfort, she knew that it wasn’t a cure. Through a recommendation of a friend, GéNIA began practising yoga and noticed its physical and energetic benefits almost immediately.
As a child and young adult, GéNIA was discouraged from playing repertoire that featured large chords due to her small hand span. Upon moving to the UK, GéNIA questioned this upbringing and decided to perform Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" Using the foundations of yoga exercises, she created her own method which cultivated the strength and flexibility that she needed to bring Rachmaninoff’s music to life.
In her piano lessons, in addition to teaching musical ideas and her method, GéNIA highlights the most important yogic philosophy - staying present in each given moment. This means recognising how emotions present themselves in the body (such as hunched shoulders in a difficult musical passage) and how to employ breathing methods to promote relaxation in performance.
GéNIA strongly promotes the yogic philosophy ‘we all have our own path’ to her students. Although music can be a competitive environment, she stresses that we each have our own gifts to share.
You can listen to the podcast on
Learn more about GéNIA's experience as a yoga teacher at:
GéNIA is working on several exciting projects! In future newsletters, look out for her new musical releases and video tutorials. Meanwhile, if you haven't already, take a look at
her book 'Transform Your Hands: A Complete 10 week course' described as 'It really does work' by Piano Professional Magazine and the video course 'Transform Your Practice: A Complete 11 Stage Guide' described by Professor Douglas Finch, Professor of Piano and Composition, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London as "GéNIA is one of the most exciting, dynamic and daring pianists I've met in recent years. Her approach to the development of piano technique and personal development are both highly effective and original, combining the Russian tradition with a modern holistic musical outlook. I recommend the Piano-Yoga® course ’Transform Your Practice: A Complete 11 Stage Guide’ most highly."