It gives me a great pleasure to announce Piano-Yoga® Students Fundrasing Concert in support of the children of Kharkiv and its regions, helping them with rehabilitation and other treatment.
The programme will include music by Bach, Schumann, Rachmaninoff, Gershwin and GéNIA.
The proceeds from the concert will be sent to 'Support Kharkiv Foundation', a micro-trust in aid of ‘GivingWorks’, a charity registered in England and Wales, (charity registration no.1078770). It has been created by me to support the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, its surrounding regions and citizens, as the city has undergone destruction on a huge scale.
Not only has Kharkiv has been under attack on an almost daily basis ever since the start of the war, but a large part of the Kharkiv region has been occupied for some time. Now, many territories have been freed, and their citizens, especially children, need our help.
The programme includes works by Bach, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Schubert, Liszt , Gershwin, and my own compositions. I will open the evening with a talk about the foundation and the work I have been doing, and will finish the event with an online after-party. You are very welcome to join us not only for the concert, but also for the after-party, where you will be able to meet our students.
By buying a ticket, you will be contributing to a great cause!

If you are in a position to do so, and would like to help further, you are warmly invited to donate to my campaign (click HERE), where you can also learn more details about the work the charity is doing.

We would appreciate it, if you could donate generously, as the funds you can send will help the kids from Kharkiv and Kharkiv regions to be taken into rehabilitation, either in a specially designed camp for kids in the Western Ukraine, or to the more specialised clinics in Europe.
Your help will be invaluable. Thank you!
GéNIA & the Piano-Yoga® Team
#pianoyogawinterconcert ´#supportkharkivchildren #kharkivfoundation #studentsconcert