Our good friend and partner, The Around the Globe Piano Music Festival, which includes an annual piano competition and is open to Junior and Adult pianists of various levels, both amateur and professional, is accepting applications now!
It applies to all nationalities and of any age group. As well as traditional and classical music, the competition offers an exclusive syllabus of piano styles including contemporary and jazz piano within global/regional categories. One of the main focuses of this project is to promote contemporary piano composers from all around the world, but who might be less well known in the UK.
The Around the Globe Piano Music Festival website was recently updated for the 8th Annual Piano Competition Online – 2021, including Syllabus, Regulations, Entries and Fees. There are many different classes to choose from to any musical taste, from early to advanced levels including the grades and diploma categories. Participants are encouraged to make multiple entries for different piano categories to explore a wider repertoire.
For more info and to apply online go to: http://agpianomusicfestival.co.uk/index.php

2021 Around the Globe Online Piano Competition will consist of TWO rounds. In the First Round, competitors will submit unedited pre-recorded performances, which our panel of distinguished music Jurors will adjudicate. Only contestants with a Merit Mark will advance to the Second Round, in which their recorded performance will be displayed on the Zoom Online Social Platform along with the Adjudicator's live comments and the presentation of awards. In addition, all contestants will receive a Certificate of Performance Achievement.
The Second-Round pre-recorded performances with live Adjudicator's comments will be held on Zoom from 10 AM – 5 PM on the following dates:
Sunday 21st & 28th November 2021 - Junior categories
Sunday 5th December 2021 - Adult categories
Deadline for submission of applications:
· Junior participants – 5th November 2021
· Adult participants – 15th November 2021

Notes for Entrants
How to enter?
To enter the First Round of 2021 Around the Globe Online Piano Competition, you will need to fill in and send us the form available online, with the details of the entrance fees. After completing and sending the form to include your chosen category or class(es), we will notify you about the success of your application, with a request to send us an unedited and uninterrupted audio-visual file of your performance. You can make payment upon receiving our notification by email, which will contain our bank details and other relevant info.
Please remember that the file must be submitted as one continuous performance for each class separately. All the files are to be sent to the organizer at agpianomusicfestival@gmail.com (larger files can be sent free via WeTransfer).
· For more updates on the Entries and Recordings, go to: http://agpianomusicfestival.co.uk/agpmf_regulations.php
· To apply online go to: http://agpianomusicfestival.co.uk/agpmf_apply.php
Please note that AGPMF Syllabus Repertoire List 2021 for the classes SET PIECES for piano solo and duets for 4 hands has been updated for the Jazz Piano and Contemporary Worldwide Music in various categories. In Jazz categories for Junior and Adult pianists, we are introducing new Connections series and other piano books by Christopher Norton. The piano work Il Circo by the late Isidora Žebeljan is presented in the Contemporary Worldwide Music for the Adult Advanced category as well as the new opus By the Sea by Vladimir Titov.
There is an introduction to the new music of Marcel Zidani (The Misty Vale from Away from the Grade), Svetlana Titova (About You) and piano duets for 4 hands from the Delightfully Easy Piano Duets Book 2 by Rosamund Conrad in Junior and Adult Piano Learners categories.
· For more info on the FULL SYLLABUS, FEES AND PRIZES FOR 2021, go to:
· For music scores and downloads:
· For more info on our Jury Panel:
I hope that you enjoy participating in this wonderful Festival! Spreading the music around helps to improve our mood and well-being!
With love,